Series partner – Blue Phoenix Group

Advancing the Circular Economy

How Blue Phoenix Group is processing residue ash to help local authorities create sustainably built environments.

About the Film

The Energy from Waste (EfW) sector plays a crucial role in developing a circular waste management economy, yet the sector produces tonnes of residue ash that is usually destined for landfill.

Blue Phoenix Group’s global incinerator bottom ash (IBA) processing installations provide alternative sustainable solutions for EfW ash residue.

At their IBA plant in Ferrybridge, Blue Phoenix Group process residue ash into aggregates that can be used by local authorities, like Wakefield Council, who are seeking more sustainable ways to develop their built environments. Since working with Wakefield Council, Blue Phoenix Group have supplied over 120,000 tonnes of IBA aggregate for local roads, cycleways and pavements.

Blue Phoenix Group’s innovation in creating new materials from residue ash is advancing the definition of a circular economy.

About the film partner

Blue Phoenix Group

Blue Phoenix Group advances circularity by producing aggregates for the built environment from Energy-from-Waste ash residues.

Explore the series

A wide-ranging digital series exploring the resources and waste sector’s role as a vital change agent for the transition to a low-carbon, resource efficient, circular economy. This is a pivotal moment for the sector; a time for waste management professionals to accelerate progress in order to protect our environment and resources for future generations.