Series partner – Indaver
The Future of Energy From Waste
How Indaver is providing innovative and sustainable EfW solutions to develop the waste management value chain
About the Film
The Government is committed to achieving the near elimination of biodegradable municipal waste to landfill from 2028 and its movement out of the residual waste stream.
Indaver provides innovative, sustainable EfW (Energy from Waste) solutions, essential to the waste management value chain and critical to delivering landfill diversion targets.
With 30 locations across mainland Europe, and the new Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management Facility in the UK, Indaver take a proven ecologically and economically responsible approach to sustainable waste management that doesn’t just mean converting as much waste into energy as possible.
By creating vital strategic partnerships with its clients, and recovering materials from waste for the purpose of recycling or reuse, Indaver is facilitating greater sustainability and circularity within the sector, developing waste management for the future.
Explore the series
A wide-ranging digital series exploring the resources and waste sector’s role as a vital change agent for the transition to a low-carbon, resource efficient, circular economy.
This is a pivotal moment for the sector; a time for waste management professionals to accelerate progress in order to protect our environment and resources for future generations.