Series partner – West Sussex County Council

Preventing Food Waste: Community Initiative

How West Sussex County Council is advancing social value with innovative food waste management.

About the Film

With food waste costing the UK around £17 billion a year, it’s no longer enough for waste and recycling teams to just process waste.

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is taking an innovative approach, working with stakeholders to turn waste into a resource that can advance social value.

A recent community initiative run in partnership with UKHarvest and Biffa resulted in WSCC diverting over 8 tonnes of food waste, and a full year’s programme being put in place.

By taking a research and results based approached to resource management, WSCC are leading the way in developing initiatives that advance sustainability, circularity and social value.

About the film partner

West Sussex County Council

West Sussex County Council is committed to putting residents and communities at the heart of everything they do; improving quality of life, delivering services and representing the best interests of the people of the county.

Explore the series

A wide-ranging digital series exploring the resources and waste sector’s role as a vital change agent for the transition to a low-carbon, resource efficient, circular economy. This is a pivotal moment for the sector; a time for waste management professionals to accelerate progress in order to protect our environment and resources for future generations.