Series partner – CRJ Services

Partners in Change

How CRJ Services is delivering sustainable waste management solutions to achieve carbon reduction targets.

About the film

When it comes to waste management, changing legislation and government policy makes it hard for SMEs to ensure they have compliant material and resource processing capabilities in place.

CRJ Services is a leading hire company within the waste recycling industry, delivering sustainable solutions to help clients achieve carbon reduction targets without large capital investment.

Committed to facilitating change and innovation within the industry, CRJ Services is also developing processes to reduce health risks when working with materials such as ‘Persistent Organic Pollutants’ (POPS), along with developing electrical equipment to replace diesel powered machines.

By working with partners across industry to deliver these solutions, CRJ Services is playing a vital strategic role in advancing efficiency and sustainability for their clients and the wider waste management sector.

About the film partner

CRJ Services

CRJ Services is a comprehensive waste, recycling and forestry equipment provider, operating throughout the UK and Ireland.

Explore the series

A wide-ranging digital series exploring the resources and waste sector’s role as a vital change agent for the transition to a low-carbon, resource efficient, circular economy. This is a pivotal moment for the sector; a time for waste management professionals to accelerate progress in order to protect our environment and resources for future generations.