Series partners – Sherbourne Recycling & Machinex

Future of Waste Management

How Sherbourne Recycling and Machinex are delivering a leading, sustainable solution for recyclable household waste

About the Film

Collaboration and innovation within the resources and waste management sector is vital for the transition to a low-carbon, resource efficient, circular economy.

The Coventry-based Material Recycling Facility is the result of a true partnership between Sherbourne Recycling and Machinex. Together they have delivered the most advanced MFR in the UK, a state-of-the-art treatment unit offering a sustainable solution for recyclable household waste.

Using AI and advanced technologies, the system is able to process a throughput of 47.5 tonnes per hour of mixed dry recyclables. This flexible solution has built in redundancy to react and evolve to changing waste legislation and produce high quality output to meet market demand.

This leading example of collaboration and innovation within the industry is future proofing waste management for generations to come.

About the film partners

Sherbourne Recycling

Sherbourne Recycling operates an innovative, state-of-the-art materials recycling facility in Coventry, on behalf of eight local authorities.


Machinex engineers, manufactures, and installs Material Recovery Facilities globally. Their turnkey systems feature their own line of custom-built sorting technologies.

Explore the series

A wide-ranging digital series exploring the resources and waste sector’s role as a vital change agent for the transition to a low-carbon, resource efficient, circular economy. This is a pivotal moment for the sector; a time for waste management professionals to accelerate progress in order to protect our environment and resources for future generations.